Infinite Nothingness


Health update (DECEMBER 2017) — After years of agony, I was able to heal some of the major health problems completely (after exposure to a couple of vaccines that were given to me in USA in 2011 and 2012) with natural remedies and the rest health problems got much better.

I am sharing this, because I want to help people who are suffering with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), prediabetes, Metrorrhagia, Endometriosis, Anemia, Diabetes 2, Pre-cancerous cells, Cancer, IBS, Thyroid dysfunction, Lymphatic Dysfunction.

Things that healed me  —

 Important — (!!!You are an adult, over 18 and if you’re not over 18, you shouldn’t be reading this site. Do your own independent research and make your own decisions. Do not rely on anything you see written or said about the subject of health. It is your health, so take responsibility for your health and well-being like I did and stop relying on “doctors”, “system” and articles that you read online… Do your own independent research and make your own decisions if you truly want healing!!!)

  1. Boron (that is labeled as poison by the system) / “Borax”. Do a research on things that Boron can cure.
  2. Black Seed Oil
  3. Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Coconut Oil (best one is from Philippines) for cooking and skin care, only natural hand-made soaps for skin and hair, no shampoos or any synthetic creams, no synthetic cosmetics, not drinking tap water and cutting red meat out of my diet. I only eat wild caught fish (as much as I can) and wild caught meat (sometimes not on regular basis)
  4. If you can not eat it don’t put in on your skin.
  5. Apricot seeds (B17 that is also banned), Turmeric and Chloroxygen.
  6. 30-40 days eating only uncooked foods… (and I do mean NOTHING cooked in any way) going completely raw for a month or more, no coffee, no alcohol, no teas with caffeine.
  7. Doing what I love, creating and dancing this life no matter what.
  8. Collecting memories, instead of things and leading a nomadic life 9-10 months of the year and sharing joy, happiness, tears, laughs and love with people in all corners of the world.
  9. Forgiving myself and people who hurt me most and writing down the date that I will be healed. Writing down things that you want in your life, will bring them to you. Write down your dream life. Right now… go write your wishes down.
  10. Asking for forgiveness (and forgiving in the process) even of those who’ve done wrong by me and letting go. (it’s a process)
  11. Spending time with nature as much as I can, with people that I love and not watching “news” or TV since 2008.


Concerning the preceding article, I must give you the following FDA mandated warning and disclaimer:

I am not a doctor. The article above is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, or advice of a qualified, licensed medical professional. The facts presented in the following pages are offered as information only, not medical advice, and in no way should anyone infer that I am practicing medicine. My statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not been evaluated by the FDA.


Hello my loves,

I hope these lines find you at peace, in love and in good health. I exist inside a very interesting time of my life right now. I’m in Thailand… but that’s only geography, really…

The silent place where my soul is has no name.

For the first time in my life, nothing really matters, like it used to.

It just is…

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